• Erasing Migraines: An M.D. Turns to Chiropractic

    Stress, sleep deprivation and fatigue have been no small component of Dr. Michael Benson’s life. As a fetal surgeon, Benson is often up for 24- to 36-hour stretches at a time looking after patients. He has little time to rest or eat regular, healthy meals. It’s no wonder he has

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  • Experiencing Headaches?

    If you have a headache, you're not alone. Nine out of ten Americans suffer from headaches. Some are occasional, some frequent, some are dull and throbbing, and some cause debilitating pain and nausea. What do you do when you suffer from a pounding headache? Do you grit your teeth

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Our Regular Schedule - Closed Every First Saturday of the Month

Monday, Wednesday, Friday:

9:30 am - 11:30 am

2:00 pm - 5:45 pm


9:30 am - 11:00 am

Thursday, Saturday, Sunday:



Reviews By Our Satisfied Patients

  • "Wonderful, competent, compassionate, professional staff provide effective treatment. I strongly recommend them!"
    Katie B.
  • "Dr Tsong is excellent. He’s funny, compassionate, knowledgeable and is very skilled st spinal adjustments. He’s helped our whole family tremendously!"
    Jen D.